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COVID Safe Campus
Ambassadors Program

COVID Safe Campus is pleased to announce that we are reopening our Campus Ambassador Program to support student-led COVID safety and disability advocacy initiatives in Fall 2024.


Through the Campus Ambassador Program, CSC will provide student advocates resources to foster community care, effective peer health education, and disability-led advocacy. 

Each ambassador or team will be provided with a supply of high-filtration masks to distribute in their campus community. 


We're thrilled to bring this program back for a fourth semester!


Applications for the Fall 2024 cohort are now closed.

What is a COVID Safe Campus Ambassador?


COVID Safe Campus ambassadors apply and are selected to distribute mutual aid and health education materials provided by CSC. Working as members of a cross campus network of student advocates, ambassadors will implement ground-level disability justice informed peer support, advocacy, and educational initiatives on their campuses.

Why is the CSC Ambassador program necessary right now?


  • Removal of COVID mitigation measures has led to high airborne disease transmission that leaves students susceptible to acute and chronic illnesses.

  • A lack of public health mitigation measures and exclusionary policies are disproportionately threatening marginalized students’ health and eliminating access to higher education.

  • Disabled students are too often denied the support they need to access higher education and support for campus advocacy initiatives is essential to furthering social, educational, and vocational inclusion.

  • In the absence of strong public health policies, information and resources are necessary to cultivate community care.

  • High quality masks are necessary to access shared spaces and people are more likely to wear high quality masks when those masks are easy to access

What are the principles guiding CSC’s Campus Ambassador Program?


  • To support student leadership and foster knowledge on Disability Justice practices 

  • To provide opportunities to connect local advocacy to a national level and learn with a community of engaged student leaders

  • To supply students with the information and resources necessary to increase protection from COVID, promote community care, and combat ableism. 

What does the CSC Ambassador Program offer?


  • Support with community organizing, educational information, and advocacy strategies.

  • A community of like minded disabled students and advocates

  • Mutual aid resources (currently free masks)

  • Health education materials

  • Opportunities to connect advocacy on national, local, and cross-campus levels

What are we looking for in applicants?


  • Undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at higher education institutions in the United States

  • People who self-identify as disabled, chronically-ill and/or neurodivergent.

  • Commitment to disability justice organizing and advocating for stronger COVID mitigation policies in higher education

  • Have the capacity to distribute material and educational resources to other students on your campus (creative, inclusive, and accessible distribution strategies are encouraged). 

  • Applicants must have a mailing address where they can receive packages


*We are unfortunately unable to ship supplies to students beyond the United States due to logistical barriers at this time.


COVID Safe Campus Prioritizes Impacted Communities 


Folks from communities disproportionately harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color, LGBTQIA+, people who’ve experienced institutionalization, people with limited socioeconomic resources, disabled people, and other marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

We hope to continue to grow and build upon the Campus Ambassador Program as we can build organizational resources.


Donate to support our ambassador program and expand our capacity to support student-led advocacy. CSC relies entirely on donations to operate and support these programs, every dollar makes a difference.


All donations are tax deductible, processed through our fiscal sponsor and go directly to COVID Safe Campus.


We are in most immediate need of donations to help cover fall program expensesshipping and handling costs of delivering masks to ambassadors, expand the resources we can offer, and support the ongoing operations that make our programs possible.


Interested in donating supplies to our ambassadors such as masks (N95, KN95, KF94), rapid test kits (RATs), or any other material resources for COVID safety? Please contact to learn how you can help.

Learn more: watch our information session from Spring 2023​

A recording of last semester's information session is now public and sharable



In the recording we provide some background on COVID Safe Campus as an organization, discuss the Campus Ambassador Program, applications, how to get involved, frequently asked questions, and you'll hear from some of our volunteers directly on their experiences working with CSC this past year.


Have any other questions that we didn't get the chance to answer?

Email us at

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